Monday, April 12, 2010

What's News in Gaming?

Well I think this 1st bit of news could use it's own post but here it is real quick for a glance from our friends over at Kotaku:

I know if you've played this game since it 1st came out on the original GameBoy on September 30, 1998 (I was 8 years old and couldn't wait for this day since 1st reading about it in Nintendo Power as Pocket Monsters) then you may be thinking the same thing I am. The thing is though, how do you improve and change the formula to something fresh and new without losing what made the series so great? My idea is come out with a true sequel to the original. I think the answer lies in the story. Every iteration feels like I'm trapped in the same time and universe that I've been playing for years. I'd like to see what's going on with the characters now that I'm an adult and they then too must be adults. I'm sure to market to the youths, they would play as the son of the great Ash Ketchum and I'd be happy with that. New adventures, new pokemon, even a new world. Part of the fun was not knowing what kind of creatures you would find. There is no longer any mystery to that. Well that's all I'll rant on that. On to the next bit of Video Game News...

You can check out the clip on Kotaku by clicking on the link above. I don't play 1st person shooters. I get motion sick. With that said, I still loved seeing the clip because when and if I do play, I'm the guy that never plays by the rules and shoots any and everything that moves. Yes. I'm that guy. Ever since Golden Eye on the N64, I have been that guy. I just don't have a knack for shooters. I think it's the patience needed or something. Fighting games on the other hand, I can pick up and play them like I've been playing the game for months already without ever actually playing the game once before. I don't know what it is, but I've always had a knack for fighting games.

Well there hasnt been much else today that has caught my eye video game wise so I'll leave you with this clip from YouTube user EricOdmyr. He has created a neat stop-motion animation which was made by using Hama plastic beads, and runs to the tune of “WHAT DID YOU SAY?” by Bunnymajs.

-Bot Marley-

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